Voces Action Mobilizes in Wisconsin For Worker Rights

PRESS RELEASE As the largest low-wage worker and immigrant rights organization in Wisconsin, Voces de la Frontera Action stands in solidarity with the workers who are currently under attack in Wisconsin. For 12 days now, we have joined a vast array of organizations … Continue reading “Voces Action Mobilizes in Wisconsin For Worker Rights”

Voces Acción luchando en Wisconsin por los derechos de los trabajadores

AVISO DE PRENSA Como la organización mas grande representando a trabajadores de bajo recursos e inmigrantes en Wisconsin, Voces de la Frontera Acción se une en solidaridad con los trabajadores quienes están bajo ataque en Wisconsin. Por 12 días nos … Continue reading “Voces Acción luchando en Wisconsin por los derechos de los trabajadores”

Get ready for Saturday in Madison! – Wisconsin is the front line in a national struggle to defend labor rights!

From the first day of the protests at the Capitol and every day since, Voces de la Frontera Action has organized and mobilized members and the community to join the mass worker rights rallies in Madison! Our next mobilization to … Continue reading “Get ready for Saturday in Madison! – Wisconsin is the front line in a national struggle to defend labor rights!”